
In their words: perspectives and experiences of SMEs using AI

Our SME survey report is now available for download.

SAAM is short for Safe AI Adoption Model

Australian small to medium enterprises (SMEs) will be able “Ask SAAM” to reap the benefits of AI solutions while feeling confident about their safety. SAAM will guide Australian SMEs through the process of identifying potential risks with AI solutions that they are looking to adopt and will describe how they can manage those risks.

SAAM will provide a set of simple tools and practical resources to help Australian SMEs capitalise on the benefits of AI while minimising exposure to legal, reputational or commercial risks.

SAAM will draw from best-practice AI safety frameworks — including the Australian Voluntary AI Safety Standard, Australia’s AI Ethics Principles, and other global standards. While many of these frameworks are better suited for adoption by larger and more mature organisations, SAAM will be tuned to the specific needs and requirements of Australian SMEs (who are often time-poor, resource-constrained and don’t have technical backgrounds).

SAAM will be simple to use, easy to understand, pragmatic, quick and free. It will be accessible to SMEs anywhere in Australia.

Scroll down to learn more about our advisory committee

Our advisory committee

SAAM is proud to be guided by a distinguished advisory committee that brings a wealth of experience and expertise. Each of our advisors is a leader in their respective fields, and their insights are invaluable in shaping our mission to make safe AI easy.

Aviva Beecher Kelk

Dr Aviva Beecher Kelk MAICD is an experienced entrepreneur, NDIS marketing expert, researcher, disability services leader and social worker. She was the founder of Australian disability service directory Clickability and is Operational Lead of Complex Care at Hireup.

Dr Beecher Kelk also works as a business coach with several disability service providers.

Adam Berry

Adam Berry is a Professor in data science and is Deputy Director of the University of Technology Human Technology Institute. Professor Berry has a long history leading work focused on translating data into impact through the application of data curation, machine learning, data visualisation and statistical approaches.

He is passionate about leading inclusive, responsible and innovative artificial intelligence for Australia.

Brett Johnstone

Brett Johnstone is the Chief Information Officer at Pitcher Partners Melbourne. He is also Chair of the Baker Tilly International AI Focus Group and a member of the network's Global Technology Committee.

Brett has over 35 years' experience in Information Technology and specialises in partnering with businesses to build systems and strategies that facilitate secure technology and data.

Jerome Leray

Jerome Leray is the Founder and Managing Director of InFarm, a leader in agricultural intelligence solutions focused on enhancing productivity and sustainability. With a strong background in commerce, mineral exploration, and geoscience.

Recognised as an industry leader, he has earned multiple awards, including the prestigious Agricultural Ministers Emerging Leader Award, for his commitment to advancing technology and innovation in agriculture.

Emma Mackenzie

Emma is a Manager at elevenM, a specialist privacy, cyber security, AI governance and data governance consultancy. She has broad experience supporting businesses in achieving data-driven goals whilst building consumer trust.

Emma previously led the privacy program at Australia Post. She is CIPM accredited by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and is a co-chair of the IAPP Melbourne KnowledgeNet Chapter.

Melanie Marks

Melanie is a Director and the privacy practice lead of elevenM, a specialist privacy, cyber security, AI governance and data governance consultancy. She has worked in privacy for over 20 years, helping clients from start-ups to large corporates.

Melanie is a former President of the International Association of Privacy Professionals in the ANZ region, has served on advisory boards for Information Governance ANZ and Hello Sunday Morning, and been an Expert Advisor to LexisNexis on privacy and data protection. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Jordan Wilson-Otto

Jordan is a Principal at elevenM, a specialist privacy, cyber security, AI Governance and Data Governance consultancy. He is an expert in privacy regulation, policy development and program management, with deep experience in privacy compliance, regulatory investigations, public policy, and open data.

Jordan was previously Assistant Commissioner for Operational Privacy and Assurance at the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner and has held leadership roles at GovHack.

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